Find What Makes You Smile

Negativism has been a faithful partner for most of my life. I could always talk myself into a downward spiral so quickly, leaving myself very little room, if any, for hope.
"I am grateful for what I am and what I have. My thanksgiving is perpetual." Henry David Thoreau
My tendency has always been to prepare for the worst thing that could happen. I would hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.
What a way to live! I was miserable, never letting myself hope for good and never even letting myself plan for a good future.
You couldn't see all of this necessarily on the outside. But on the inside, it was a battle.
Until I realized that I had a choice! I realized that most of what I dreaded never happened and I was making myself miserable by ignoring the positive side of life.
"When we are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears." Anthony Robbins
Understanding choice brought possibilities into my life. Understanding choice brought expectancies of good into my life. Understanding choice was the open door for freedom in my life.
I had to choose to see the good, expect the good, and live the good. I had to allow myself to be happy and live in joy. IT WAS A CHOICE!
When you begin to make the choice to see the good and acknowledge the good in your life, you will begin to actually see what has been hidden by the negative. It's like discovering a whole new world.
Am I always positive everyday? NO, but I now live knowing everyday that I have a choice.
Choose to find what makes you smile. Look at it and use those face muscles! Allow yourself to smile!
Discovering Life Together,
"It is not joy that makes us GRATEFUL, but it is gratitude that makes us JOYFUL!"